Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Garden Payoff, Then Trouble!

 Susan's onions were mostly done because of the dry weather we've had, so we popped them out of the ground Saturday evening, and had them spread out to dry the next morning. Sunday morning we had 2.6 inches of rain, so we will have beans. Shortly afterward, Susan was standing still when her right hip dislocated and she fell. She will be back in surgery today (Monday) to put the parts back in place. The garden will have to take care of itself for a few days while I tend to Susan.   UPDATE: Susan had surgery Monday afternoon and the liner (socket) had moved. They put in a new one and have it anchored. We don't know if it moved and she fell, or if she fell and it moved, but she is on the road to recovery again and should be able to walk again soon.  Life turns on a dime. Keep your house in order and always be ready to handle an emergency!  

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