Thursday, December 31, 2020

Ruger Mk III Loaded Chamber Indicator Replacement

If you have a Ruger Mk III, you know the frustration of periodic jamming due to the Loaded Chamber Indicator.  We like to blame bad ammo, but the LCI usually has a hand in the hangups of empty cases.  It is annoying when you are being timed, and even more annoying when you are using your pistol to instruct new shooters.  TANDEMKROSS sells a drop in replacement to solve your frustration, but making the switch can have its own frustrations.

Here are the parts from two Mk IIIs, one from a steel barrel, and the other from an aluminum Lite model.  Changing the parts on the steel guns is easy.  Disassemble the barrel from the lower receiver and you will see the little steel pin barely protruding from the underside on the left of the barrel.  Tap on the bottom of the barrel with a non-marring mallet, or hickory hammer handle, and the pin will work out.  After it is out you can remove the LCI and insert the replacement hole-filler. 

The problem in changing arises if you have the Lite model.  The aluminum grips the steel pin and it will not come out.   I had our Lites apart three times trying to remove the pins with no luck.  Here is how you do it.  Put a cutoff disc on your Dremel tool and very carefully attack the LCI.  Be careful so you don't mar the finish. The LCI has a metal part on the upper side, and after you have the polymer part removed, let the cutoff disc ride against the metal part  and cut a groove into the pin.  Use good lighting.  Use a small screwdriver to pry the pin out a bit, and then you can grip it with some tiny pliers and remove it. 

We have run our guns since making the change and they have not choked since.  Using a Dremel tool on your guns is usually not recommended, but in this case I had to make an exception. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

I Don't Like Spiders and Snakes

This is a re-post from our True Blue Sam blog, so we can post it on FBook. FBook does not like our primary blog.

Susan was sorting through some things in the garage Sunday, and was bitten by a brown recluse spider.  I keep snake bite kits handy in my man-purse, and put a suction cup on her hand right away, within minutes of the bite.  We use these things frequently for insect stings, and they pull wasp and bee venom out effectively if we can apply a suction cup right away.  This was the first time we used one on a spider bite.

I pulled it off after a few minutes to have a look, and we were astounded at the amount of blood that had come out.  Evidently, brown recluse venom has anti-coagulant properties.  We put the suction cup on again, and pulled less blood out on the second go.  The third time pulled very little.  The patient has no redness or swelling, only a tiny scab at the bite site. 

If you read about the Cutter kits on the Internet you will find that medical folks despise them, and say they do more harm than good.   I have never been snakebit, and I can sure understand the harm that can come from using one of these kits instead of seeking prompt medical attention, but I also appreciate the way they work for me on bee stings, and insect bites.  Now we know the little suckers are good for spider bites, too.

This is a brown recluse spider.  They like to hide in dark places, under boxes, rags, or etc., and can deliver devastating tissue damage with their venom.  If one gets on you, brush or shake it off; don't smash it on your skin.  Get it on the floor and then step on it.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Santa Baby, Eartha Kitt

O Holy Night / Ave Maria, Lexi Walker - The Piano Guys

Deadly Spring Loaded Hickory!

 Susan and I put that hickory on the ground with a cut that will be new to most of our followers. It worked great, and we pulled it off the stump with a come-along rather than the tractor.  We have the video processed and we will start the upload at bedtime. It should be up in the morning and then we will post it here on the blog. 

And Here We Go!  It finished uploading about 4:30 this morning so you can watch it come down with your morning coffee! 

You will note that the final cut on the tongue and groove let the tree move and pinch the bar. I should have put a wedge in the top cut before that happened, but we came out of it OK. Every tree is an opportunity to learn. Gravity ultimately wins. You gotta work around that!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Another Little Load

 This stack was a white oak log earlier today. Freshly split white oak smells delicious!

While out in the woods bringing the white oak rounds in, I spotted a hickory that had tipped over and lodged.  I shot a little video about it, and we will go back tomorrow to take it down and shoot a video showing the process.

Merry Christmas Darling, The Carpenters

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Git Wood!

 Susan and I split a nice pile of wood tonight.  Good weather tomorrow, so maybe we will do it again!

Angel Eyes, Emmy Lou Harris

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Jingle Bell Rock, Bobby Helms

Lisa Is Home!

I brought Lisa home on Thursday after a four day hospitilization. The good doctors at VSS in Manchester, MO saved our little girl's life. We still do not know what caused the infection in her right leg, but it is healing and the swelling is down. We will go back in a couple weeks for a follow up appointment. 

Lisa's left leg is shaved for her IV port, the right leg was swollen so tightly that it was breaking open. That happened after she had gone on oral antibiotics, which turned out to be less than was necessary. Below are the good doctors who saved Lisa, from the website of Veterinary Specialty Services, in Manchester, Missouri.
                                                        Click To Enlarge.
Lisa is feeling much better now!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Blue Christmas, Elvis Presley

The Way You Get Big Bucks... to let the little ones alone. Let them get to know you, too, if you have the time to be in the woods.

Brassman Bart: The Cubanola Glide, by Harry VonTilzer

 Here's another great one by Good Old Brother Ben, aka Brassman Bart!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas Canon, Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Holly Jolly Christmas, Burl Ives

Hard Candy Christmas, Dolly Parton

I'm Back


I've been in St. Louis with Lisa at Veterinary Specialty Services. She has a bad infection in her right foreleg and is undergoing IV therapy.  It appears she is recovering now, and she will have a CT Scan tomorrow to see if there is something in her leg/foot. A holiday weekend during Covid restrictions is a bad time to have a sick dog, but they are taking care of her.